
Third Sector Strategy Group

TSSG provides a forum for key executives and decision makers in the not-for-profit sector, allowing them to discuss the issues facing their organisations and the opportunity to share ideas and best practice

Third Sector Strategy Group

Driven by a desire to further allow people in the charitable sector to connect and succeed, TSSG grew from the imagination of Dafferns Chartered Accountants and Lodders Solicitors and was launched in 2015.

Our goal with TSSG has been to allow charitable organisations to maximise impact in their chosen field and help them reach their potential by learning, developing and collaborating with others.

Originally meeting face to face every quarter, in 2020 TSSG quickly pivoted to an online model during the Covid-19 crisis, initially allowing charities to check in on a weekly basis to seek reassurance and bounce ideas off others in the sector.

The group now meets every month (virtually), and provides a safe space to learn, share best practice, celebrate success and share failures (which we can all learn from!).


TSSG Online

December 2020 has seen the launch of TSSG’s own dedicated online platform, TSSG Online.

This new network model has some great features for creating exclusive content, deeper conversations, richer polls, and online or in-real-life events. By building this community through social media, members can have a more efficient and valuable experience with each other.

Join TSSG Online


Third Sector Strategy Group ‘Deep Dive’ Webinar – October 2020

The TSSG model continues to evolve, hosting its first online conference in Autumn 2020 with guest speakers on fundraising, change, mergers and collaborative working.

Our first TSSG ‘Deep Dive’ webinar with:

  • Daniel Fluskey – Fundraising in the next ‘normal’ (4:27)
  • Richard Miller – Change for charities: time to adapt (38:18)
  • Mark Lewis and Brian Jukes – Mergers and collaborative working (1:06:00)

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