
Performance enhancement coaching

Help your team achieve their best

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you have a stagnated high performer that would value having their professional development accelerated to reach their full potential?
  • Do you find the productivity and motivation levels of your team have dropped over the last 12 months?
  • Do you have a team member who has proven to be outstanding in their performance and who you need to retain in the business?
  • Do you have a team member or leader that has stagnated in their performance lately?
  • Would you value a workshop designed to help boost the performance of your team and help them gain greater focus again?

Take our quick diagnostic – Think of yourself or a team member, complete the questions and you will get an instant report showing key strengths and weaknesses of that person in terms of their performance. The diagnostic takes only a few minutes to complete.

Our ‘Performance Enhancement Coaching’ solution works by providing:

  • Initial audit of the person (or people) needing support
  • Initial coaching session to develop a one page plan to turn-around or accelerate the performance of that individual
  • On-going coaching support options to drive implementation and boost probability of success

Each engagement is custom designed to help an individual or team turn around or accelerate their performance, understand the unique root causes why their productivity may be reduced, accelerate new performance behaviours, help them gain focus and walk away with a clear plan and strategies to implement to accelerate their performance going forward.

Please contact Richard Miller to discuss your teams specific performance enhancement coaching needs.


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