
The Art of Relevance

Remaining relevant means different things to different people and different ages, what is for certain, business relevance is key to your sustainable competitive advantage.

I spoke to Richard Miller, Dafferns’ Business Advisory Strategic Services Lead on Why you? Why now? What makes you relevant…?

So what does staying relevant mean today?

“It goes way beyond the latest trends and technologies, businesses must stay true to their values (Authentic, Agile, Connected in Dafferns’ case). With new entrants across many markets, it is essential that established businesses remain responsive to customer needs. This means more meaningful conversations, seeing the bigger picture and listening to all your stakeholders!”

Why is it so important that businesses remain relevant?

“Customers remain loyal, potential new clients view your brand positively. Across all industries the importance of staying relevant is increasing. Businesses must be seen as ambassadors for their communities, deliver on responsible business practices and be authentic, this is central to your brand story.”

What is the number 1 thing when showcasing your relevancy?

“Get closer to your customers. Have you looked them in the whites of their eyes and asked them what they are trying to get done? The shift from compliance led to customer led relationships marches on unabated, you need to meet your client with attentive and knowledgeable (not just functional) service, this all points to best in class customer service. Make it personal.”

What can businesses do to demonstrate relevancy?

“Engage with your clients regularly and go beyond what you need to speak to them about. Showcase individuals in your business, bring their skills to the fore, demonstrate how their expertise can solve the client problem of the day. Attend conferences, be up on industry trends and share publications with an eye on content that resonates with your audience, be focussed.”

How can I turn relevancy in to a point of difference?

“Understand how your clients consume information. Become a ‘master of research’. This will boost your personal reference library but also enable you to tailor your customer experience to each individual client. Acknowledge customer successes and share these. For many clients, the problem of trying to understand the future is finding time to stay ahead, if you can help find the links and join the dots then you will be relevant in the most important moments.”

Final thoughts…

“Inspiration and knowledge are all around, only a few spot what is really important and act on it. If you don’t fail from time to time, then you aren’t trying hard enough to be different!”

Simon Cossey is Dafferns’ Business Development Consultant and part of our Strategic Advisory team.