
Q&A with Mia on her first month after graduating

Mia Fletcher joined Dafferns last month (11 July 2024) after graduating from the University of Northampton. After a few weeks, to give her the chance to settle in, we caught up and asked her how things were going.

Q: Why did you choose Dafferns?

I’ve always known I wanted to be an accountant. It’s been my goal since I was 13, and I’ve stuck to that plan! My passion for numbers and the intricacies of accounting has driven me throughout my education. During my final year at university, I took my last modules, and while I was looking for jobs, I noticed most roles were in either audit or tax. For me, audit was the clear choice—it’s challenging, interesting, and allows me to dive deep into details.

When it came to choosing a firm, Dafferns really stood out. I first found them online after an interview I had elsewhere. The website was professional, and the more I read, the more I felt it could be a good fit. So, I sent an email, and from the very beginning, everyone was incredibly nice and friendly. What really sealed the deal for me was how welcoming the team was. I got an invitation to the team BBQ and had the chance to tour the office before my official start date. It is the kind of place where you immediately feel like you belong.

Q: How have your first weeks been? What are your initial impressions of the firm and team so far?

My first weeks at Dafferns have been great! The team is incredibly supportive, and I’ve settled in really well. The onboarding process was smooth, with a welcome pack, a table plan, and a clear step-by-step guide that made everything simple and stress-free. I’m really enjoying the work and the people—it’s been a perfect start.

Q: What is your preferred style of communication?

I prefer face-to-face communication. It’s just easier to chat through questions and get immediate feedback. I appreciate that Dafferns fosters an open environment where everyone is approachable, ready to answer questions, and willing to explain things clearly.

Q: Are there any particular areas you’re interested in?

Yes, I’m particularly interested in the testing side of audit. I enjoy the hands-on, practical aspects of the job as opposed to just theoretical work. I’m also keen on getting into networking—building relationships within the industry is something I’m eager to develop further.

Q: What are you looking forward to?

I’m really looking forward to starting my studies. I’ve been thinking about this for so long, and I’m excited to move through the ranks, learning more with each step. I also can’t wait to help others as they join the firm, sharing what I’ve learned along the way.

Connect with Mia.