Our Journey to Net Zero

Achieving net zero emissions is a crucial goal in addressing climate change and ensuring a sustainable future. The term “net zero” refers to the balance between the greenhouse gas emissions produced and the amount of greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere. The goal is to mitigate the effects of climate change by limiting global warming to a temperature increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

Dafferns zero

Our stats to date


Equivalent of trees planted


CO2 emission saved


Energy produced


Achieving net zero is essential for mitigating climate change, limiting global temperature rise, transitioning to a sustainable future, unlocking economic opportunities, and demonstrating global leadership in addressing one of the most pressing challenges of our time.

It’s important to note that the journey to net zero is ongoing and requires sustained efforts from governments, businesses, individuals, and communities worldwide. While progress has been made, further action and commitment are necessary to mitigate climate change and secure a sustainable future for generations to come.


We are working towards net zero at Dafferns because we recognise the urgency and importance of combating climate change. Achieving net zero emissions is not only essential for the health of our planet, but it also presents significant opportunities for innovation, sustainability, and long-term economic growth. By embracing this goal, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact, fostering a greener future, and leaving a positive legacy for future generations.

Brian Jukes


  • Setting ambitious targets
  • Transition to renewable energy
  • Electrification of transportation
  • Sustainable land use and conservation
  • Energy efficiency and conservation
  • Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
  • Research and innovation
  • Collaboration and international cooperation

The dedicated team spearheading our journey towards achieving net zero

View the team

Brian Jukes

Joint Managing Partner
Head of Corporate Tax


Linder Whitmarsh

Office and Data Administrator


David Halkett

Business Services Director

What we have achieved to date

  • Solar panels
    Solar panels are a form of renewable energy technology that convert sunlight into electricity. They consist of photovoltaic cells that absorb sunlight and generate a direct current of electricity. This electricity is used to power our office.
  • Boiler
    Our new energy efficient boiler is designed to use less energy to heat water, resulting in lower energy bills and reduced carbon emissions. Using advanced technology to reduce heat loss and increase efficiency, such as condensing technology, which captures waste heat and uses it to preheat incoming cold water.
  • LED lighting
    LED lights are energy efficient and have a long lifespan. Compared to traditional incandescent bulbs, LED lights use significantly less energy and can last up to 25 times longer. This means that not only do they help to reduce energy bills, but they also require less frequent replacement, resulting in less waste.
  • Cycle to work scheme
  • Recycling

Net zero is not an individual pursuit; it is a collective endeavor that demands global teamwork. Only through collaborative efforts can we effectively combat climate change and secure a sustainable future.

Linder Whitmarsh

What we plan to do next

  • Window coating
  • Compostable and waste providers
  • A/C
  • Ground source heat pump
  • Battery for excess solar
  • Charging point for EVS

About us

Empowering our office with Green Energy – A sustainable future ahead

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