
Empowering our office with Green Energy – A sustainable future ahead

Green energy is becoming increasingly popular in offices worldwide as companies like ours strive to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a sustainable future. By transitioning to renewable energy sources, offices can significantly reduce their environmental impact, cut costs, and improve their reputation among customers and employees.

One of the most common forms of green energy is solar power. Solar panels can be installed on the roof or walls of a building, and they use the sun’s energy to generate electricity. Solar power is particularly well-suited to offices because they tend to use most of their energy during the day, when the sun is shining. This means that an office with solar panels can generate much of its energy needs on-site, reducing its reliance on the grid.

Offices can also take steps to reduce their energy consumption. This includes measures such as installing energy-efficient lighting and appliances, using natural light and ventilation wherever possible, and implementing smart energy management systems to optimise energy usage.

The Dafferns Green Energy plan

Following many months of background work from our colleague Linder Whitmarsh, we were delighted to hear that we had been successful in our application for the Green Energy Grant and awarded the maximum amount from the Green Business Programme.

It’s a great feeling knowing that light from the sun is now powering our office, including our new energy efficient led lights, and I’m writing this whilst sitting in a cosy room warmed by radiators powered by our modern fuel efficient boiler!  If all businesses were to follow our green energy lead then in the words of Louis Armstrong ‘what a wonderful world this would be’.

Brian Jukes, Corporate Tax Partner

LED Lighting

Our first project was the installation of LED lighting throughout the building, which is over 80% more energy efficient than the previous lighting system. 

New Gas Boiler

Secondly, we replaced the old gas boiler heating system to an energy efficient gas boiler system. 

This is controlled by a Genius hub, connected to room sensors and new radiator valves for more efficient heating. This is also app controlled so we’ll be able to turn the heating on remotely if required to warm the building ready for cold winter mornings – which all of us are thrilled about! 

Solar Panels

Our final project, completed last week and the most impactful, is the installation of 60 solar panels for generating our own electricity. 

Transitioning to green energy brings a range of benefits, including cost savings and reduced environmental impact. By investing in renewable energy sources and implementing energy-saving measures, we can contribute to a more sustainable future.

“The Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Programme is partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund and is being delivered by Coventry City Council, Coventry University, and Coventry University Enterprises Ltd.”

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