
Engagement letters: Strengthening client-professional relationships

What is an engagement letter? 

An engagement letter is a written agreement between our clients and ourselves outlining the scope of services to be provided, the responsibilities of both parties, the fees, and the terms and conditions of the engagement. While it may seem like a formality, an engagement letter holds immense importance for both parties.

For audit client we may also issue an arrangement letter which deals with the specifics of that year’s audit engagement including the audit fee, payment schedule and audit timetable. 

It is a best practice in our industry that all work undertaken is covered by an up-to-date and relevant engagement letter – we always endeavour to operate at the highest standard of doing business. This letter ensures we both have a common understanding of what is required to be delivered, for what charge, lists our general terms of doing business and anything specific to the services you have requested.

As the world becomes more interconnected, the professional landscape has evolved significantly. In today’s fast-paced and complex business environment, engaging in various professional services has become commonplace. Whether it’s hiring an accountant, lawyer, consultant, or any other professional, engaging in their services often involves a critical yet often overlooked document: the engagement letter.

Some of the key reasons why engagement letters are essential

Clarity and scope definition
One of the primary purposes of an engagement letter is to clearly define the scope of the professional services to be provided. By outlining the specific tasks, responsibilities, and objectives, an engagement letter prevents misunderstandings and helps manage our client’s expectations. This clarity protects both parties and lays the foundation for a successful working relationship.

Legal protection
Engagement letters serve as legally binding contracts between you the client and us. By documenting the agreed-upon terms and conditions, they provide legal protection for both parties in case of any disputes or misunderstandings that may arise during the engagement. Having a well-drafted engagement letter can significantly reduce the risk of litigation and protect the interests of both client and professional.

Fee structure and payment terms
One of the important aspects of an engagement letter (and for audit’s the arrangement letter) is the inclusion of the fee structure and payment terms. Clearly outlining the fees and expenses associated with the services helps manage financial expectations and ensures transparency in the billing process. This avoids surprises and disagreements related to costs, thereby fostering trust between you and us.

Timeframe and deadlines
An engagement letter, along with the audit arrangement letter where applicable, also establishes the timeframe for the completion of the services and sets specific deadlines if applicable. This time-bound approach helps both parties plan activities accordingly and ensures that the project progresses smoothly without unnecessary delays.

Confidentiality and privacy protection
In professional engagements, clients need to share sensitive information with us. An engagement letter often includes clauses related to confidentiality and privacy protection, ensuring that the information shared remains secure and is not disclosed to unauthorised parties. This builds a sense of trust and confidentiality in the client-professional relationship.

Enhanced professionalism
Using engagement letters demonstrates our high level of professionalism on our part. It shows that we are organised, systematic, and committed to providing you with quality services. 

Managing change in scope
During an engagement, circumstances may change, leading to adjustments in the project’s scope or additional requirements. An engagement letter allows for the possibility of amending the scope or fees in a controlled manner. It ensures that any changes are mutually agreed upon and documented, preventing potential misunderstandings.

Engagement letters play a crucial role in the client-professional relationship. They provide clarity, legal protection, and financial transparency, while also promoting effective communication, professionalism, and trust. By setting clear expectations and responsibilities from the outset, an engagement letter lays the groundwork for a successful and mutually beneficial collaboration.