
Celebrating Read a Book Day – Our favourite reads and why we love them

Our team loves to explore a wide range of genres, each finding joy and relaxation in different stories. From suspense to immersive fantasy worlds, reading is more than a hobby – it’s a way to unwind, escape, and even bond with friends and family. 

Favourite books/current reads

Mia: My favourite genre of book to read is a thriller or a classic. I love to read thrillers because I find that they keep me on the edge of my seat and keep me guessing, you never know which way a good thriller book is going to go, and I enjoy the feeling of not being able to put a book down because I need to know what happens. In terms of the classics, I enjoy them because I like to learn about the different cultures and social norms from the past, I also enjoy the language used and comparing how it is so different to what we would say today.

Jo: I enjoy a variety of genres, but I am particularly drawn to Fantasy and Romance. My favourite book I’ve read recently is Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros (who doesn’t love a dragon!). There needs to be a good plot, which keeps you hooked throughout the book, without it being predicable. I love characters who have a great personality and have developed and emotional relationships with each other. Sarah J Maas is another favourite author of mine, her descriptions of the worlds in which the characters live are so immersive you can almost imagine yourself being there with them.

Sophie: I like a variety of genres, same with films and music in fact but my usual is probably a mix of action and adventure, mystery and non-fiction. 

Emily: I love to read psychological thrillers – the darker the better! Weirdly I find it easier to detach from these than something that feels more like it could happen to me! Some of my favourite authors include Lucy Foley, Alice Feeney, B A Paris, and Shari Lapena. I’m currently reading ‘The Silent Patient’ by Alex Michaelides and I am gripped! When I need a bit of light relief, I also love a romantic comedy, and currently love Emily Henry for this – I have recently finished her latest book ‘Funny Story’ and it was a perfect summer read. When it gets to the right time of year, I also enjoy a ‘hallmark’ Christmas romance to help me get in to the festive spirit. 

Suzi: I have only recently started reading and have been instantly drawn to fantasy/romance books. I find reading really relaxing and makes you feel like you’re a part of the book as well. At the moment, I am currently reading, ‘It starts with us’, after reading and thoroughly enjoying ‘It ends with us’ I am hoping it is just as good!

Benefits of reading

Mia: For me, reading is beneficial because it allows me to keep mentally stimulated. I find that when I am reading books regularly, it helps with my concentration and my ability to stay on task in my day-to-day life. Another reason as to why I love reading is that I find it relaxing, I love being able to get lost in a book and the world it creates, helping me unwind from the day.

Karen: It’s my time, when I can unwind, relax, switch off from tax and drift off to sleep, in fact it’s become so engrained in my routine that I can’t get to sleep if I don’t read whichever book I have on the go for at least 30 minutes. With a short amount of time each day, it takes a while to get through novels, I do catch up and read a lot more when on holiday.

Jo: I read as a form of escapism from everyday life. Due to having a professional career and being a full-time working parent, life is very chaotic and can be quite stressful at times. Reading allows me time to relax and think about anything other than real life for a short period of time. Since I picked up reading again in Oct 23, I have noticed a huge impact in my anxiety levels. I read every night before I go to sleep, which allows me to switch my brain off from the constant mental load and never-ending list of things that need doing. Having a 3-year-old daughter, being a role model for her is important to me in all aspects of life. However, if she can learn good habits from me for reading at an early age then it is my hope that this will benefit her when she starts school and progresses through her education. She, of course, has lots of books (and an overflowing bookcase!) and we always read 2 books with her before her bedtime, to encourage her enthusiasm towards books and reading. 

Sophie: The benefits are enormous, physically and mentally, the only drawback potentially is the cost but that’s why we work right; to be able to enjoy all the things we love once the bills have been paid. I read for a whole host of reasons, but I also go through different phases – in the winter when it’s dark, cold and miserable, I will always be curled up with a book, I have been known to finish a book in a day/night – certain books just do that to you whilst others can take a little time to get into but generally I always have to finish a book, I’m too nosy and don’t want to miss out on the story or the ending, just in case… when the weather is warmer and nicer, I tend to not read quite as much, more for educational / work purposes than for pleasure as I prefer to be out and about or around friends and family experiencing other things. 

Emily: I have always loved reading, and was encouraged to read a lot growing up. Some of my fondest memories of family holidays involved us all reading then sharing what we had read and what we liked about them. I love to share books I have read with other people, and find the social aspect of discussing our favourite books and what we liked about them to be really enjoyable. An early question I will ask any new friend is what they like to read! I try to read each night before bed (and sometimes stay up far too late if I am at a gripping part!), as I find it helps me to relax and get a better night’s sleep. Some of my reading matter might not sound all that relaxing, but it helps me to take my mind off the minutiae of my day and to ‘switch off’. 

Genres we don’t like 

Jo: I don’t particularly enjoy psychological thrillers, the aim is to get to sleep, not lie awake thinking about the book I’m reading!

Sophie: I wouldn’t go anywhere near horror – that’s all I have to say on the subject! 

Emily: I’ve never been a big fan of non-fiction – I read to escape from the ‘real world’. I’m in a business book club run by a friend, so that gives me my only real source of non-fiction – if I didn’t have the deadline of book club each month I would find it too difficult to finish the books at all. 

Suzi: I don’t enjoy reading thrillers, I have never been able to get into them. 

Social aspect 

Jo: One of the best things about reading is the social element that comes with it. Reading itself is obviously a solo activity but speaking to someone about a book you enjoyed and recommended and have them be equally as enthusiastic about it is great. It’s always interesting listening to other people’s opinions and perspectives about the book. When I occasionally find myself with time, I love to go book shopping with my sister, we have also occasionally been known to sit and read together. Knowing you are spending time together, reading the same book and sharing the same space is enjoyable.

Sophie: Some may think it’s not social, but this blog was born from social conversations we had in the office. When you get to know colleagues, friends, people in general you try to find out what they like, what hobbies they enjoy and reading often always comes up, even in networking scenarios. 

Books vs Kindle vs Audio Books 

Mia: Personally, I don’t think you can beat picking up and reading an actual book!  One of the reasons that I read is to get away from a screen as the job means that I look at screens a lot meaning that when I get home, I like to be able to put down the screens and read.

Jo: I love physical books, my Kindle and audiobooks for all different reasons. Nothing will ever replace a physical book. I maybe have 50ish books in my new collection, and I love buying new books regularly. My husband is less keen on the amount I have! However, books aren’t always easily to carry around with you. So, I love having my Kindle to hand, it fits into my handbag, and I can download the app to my phone, so books are always available to me. Kindles are also good because it gives you access to so many books, most of which you may not come across in standard bookshops. I have also recently started to listen to audiobooks in the car on the way to and from work, it makes the drive calmer, and I much prefer this to the radio. I particularly use the drive home from work to decompress from the day and prepare myself for the evening routine with my daughter, so listening to an audiobook seems to help me to do this.

Sophie: If you had asked me this question a few years ago, I would have said books, books, only books and I still stand by this to some extent, I love a physical book, there is something special about it when you enjoy reading and as we spend an incredible amount of time on screens, it’s refreshing to put a screen down and pick up a book. From a practical perspective or in my case a space perspective, a kindle is a winner especially when travelling! I try to avoid using my kindle when I’m at home but it’s my go to when on the move. Surprisingly I’ve never tried an audio book, I do love a podcast though as will very often listen to one in the car, when cooking or walking etc…maybe I should give an audio book a try…! 

Emily: I think I love stories and reading more than the attachment to physical books, so for me a kindle is the perfect option. I pretty much always have my kindle with me, and it gives me so much more flexibility – there are circumstances where it would not necessarily be easy to read a physical book (like when I’m eating my lunch) where I can manage more easily with a kindle. I am quite a fast reader, so being able to have multiple books with me without having to carry them all makes a big difference too – I think I read over a dozen books on my honeymoon, and anyone that knows me well knows I wouldn’t have had the spare luggage space for that many physical books! Growing up I absolutely loved an audio book, as I could do something else while listening to it – I had all the Harry Potter audiobooks and would listen to them almost non-stop. I still put them on in the car if I have a long drive ahead of me! 

Whether it’s the thrill of a suspenseful mystery, the escape of a fantasy world, or the relaxation of a romantic comedy, reading provides a unique and personal experience for everyone. From physical books to Kindles and audiobooks, each brings its own benefits to unwind, explore new perspectives, and connect with others over a shared love of stories.